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Emotional Health Consulting

I’m Segal.. I help women to discover and connect with who they are, to heal emotionally, to love themselves fully and transform their lives with a wholistic approach for a life they love and enjoy!


About Me...

I spent most of my life trying to become someone I was not. Prettier, skinnier, more successful, a better mom, a better wife, a good servant.. change this, change that, do this, do that,

All that created was a very unhappy and insecure me. Always afraid the real me would come out and ruin everything. Always having to stay on my game and earn the love and approval of everyone else. 

But then I realized that wasn’t even me. The real me was trapped inside hoping to one day be free. Hoping one day to be seen and loved as I was not as I needed to be. It started with me giving myself permission to be and not to become. ⁣

That’s when I got free. Free of expectation, obligation, perfectionism, and impossible to meet standards. THEN all things began to happen for me naturally. 

I learned to heal my pain, reconcile my past, and have healthy relationships with myself, my family and others.


This process of transforming my life with God is the one I now walk other women through to help them experience that same freedom and healing I walk in. The transformation is powerful and beautiful and we do it together!! ⁣

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